October 15, 2003


ApacheTop: a resource utilization display tool for Apache

ApacheTop was written because there are no other realtime tools (that I could find) to display what your Apache server is doing in a concise helpful display.
It's approaching some form of stability now, and should be quite useful. Some of the best stuff is still planned, such as filtering the display to only show what you're interested in, and then pull up more detailed statistics on just that.

メモ。MySQL 用の mytop ちうのもありますな。

FreeBSD でインスコしようとしたら autoconf 2.54 以上が必要とのエラーでショボーン。

Posted by miyagawa at October 15, 2003 12:17 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack(1)
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Tracked: October 15, 2003 10:46 AM
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