November 27, 2003


Milano::Monolog: プロジェクト名自動生成ツール


最近は /usr/share/dict/words で、適当な頭文字とって grep することがおおいすかねー。やはりカッコイイ名前だとやる気がちがうのと、顧客とのMTGでもシステムに名前をつけたりすることでスコープが明確になって、相互理解度がたかくなるという効果があるようにおもいます。

Posted by miyagawa at November 27, 2003 06:38 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack(3)
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Struts Enabler Tools
Excerpt: If you are interested in more Struts-enablers checkout the German Java Magazin article or the google-translated article describing the tools: Struts Console (free, but not open source) Struts Builder (open source) Easy Struts (open source) Improve Stru...
Weblog: Tech-Weblog by Christoph C. Cemper
Tracked: December 27, 2003 09:51 AM
Struts Enabler Tools
Excerpt: If you are interested in more Struts-enablers checkout the German Java Magazin article or the google-translated article describing the tools: Struts Console (free, but not open source) Struts Builder (open source) Easy Struts (open source) Improve Stru...
Weblog: Tech-Weblog by Christoph C. Cemper
Tracked: December 27, 2003 09:56 AM
Struts Enabler Tools
Excerpt: If you are interested in more Struts-enablers checkout the German Java Magazin article or the google-translated article describing the tools: Struts Console (free, but not open source) Struts Builder (open source) Easy Struts (open source) Improve Stru...
Weblog: Tech-Weblog by Christoph C. Cemper
Tracked: December 27, 2003 10:00 AM
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