February 04, 2004

Why your MT sucks

Why your Movable Type blog must die || kuro5hin.org

In the past, blogging was an interesting pastime. Now, with the advent of the ridiculously popular weblog package Movable Type, the Web is in risk of drowning under a tidal wave of morons who throttle search engines with writing that has no purpose and such PageRank-destroying features as "TrackBack".

MovableType のデザインがダメだ、とかSPAMに弱い、などなどというドキュメント。(via Chitatopops)

そこからたどって FloodMT なんてツールも。

Posted by miyagawa at February 4, 2004 10:48 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack(1)
TrackBack URL for this entry: http://blog.bulknews.net/mt3/mt-tb.cgi/766
Translation: Why your Movable Type blog must die
Excerpt: This is unofficial and unauthorized Japanese translation of "Why your Movable Type blog must die" on "Kuro5hin.org".
Weblog: East Village, NY
Tracked: February 8, 2004 05:03 PM
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