March 22, 2004

TypeKey - you blow me

TypeKey? You Blow Me [dive into mark]

TYPEKEY, TYPEKey, TypeKey, typekey, ... The latest round of echoing in our humble chamber is all about TypeKey. If you read any weblogs over the weekend, first of all, you are a sad, pathetic excuse for a human being. Don窶冲 you have a family or something? This isn窶冲 Evercrack. Take a break. And second of all, you would have learned that TypeKey is a vaporware comment authentication service from SixApart. It will come standard with Movable Type 3.0, which should be shipping around the time pigs fall out of my ass and take flight.

diveintomark による TypeKey 批判、かな。

詳しいニュアンスは読まないと伝わらないとおもいますが、centralized された試みは blog ではうまくいかない、と。

Posted by miyagawa at March 22, 2004 11:30 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack(0)
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