April 07, 2004


Journal of TorgoX (1933)

After my endless testing and bugswatting, XML::RSS::TimingBot is basically useable now. It's an LWP::UserAgent subclass that stops you from requesting RSS feeds more often than they say they'll update. I.e., when you request a feed, the module transparently looks for its elements and the like, and the next time you request it, if the previously-read information says that the feed won't updated by now, the module won't actually perform the request, but will generate a virtual response that looks like the server said "304 Not Modified" with no content. It also keeps track of last-modified times on RSS responses and inserts "If-Modified-Since" headers on subsequent outgoing responses. It's all very behind-the-scenes and transparent.

RSS フィードの syndication モジュールとかをつかってリクエスト周期を変更するモジュールかな? もうすぐCPAN にリリースされるとか。楽しみです。

Posted by miyagawa at April 7, 2004 02:53 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack(0)
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