November 06, 2004

Bloglines Updates

Bloglines | News

There has been a lot of activity involving the Bloglines Web Services, and we have updated the list of programs that use them. Several additional aggregators have announced support for Bloglines. There's a new Bloglines IM notifier, several programs dedicated to Bloglines and podcasting, and a script to download your Bloglines feeds to your iPod.
Finally, we have updated the Bloglines Web Services Sync API. The getitems method now supports bulk fetching of articles from all the subscriptions within a folder.

bloglines2ipod が Software List に掲載されました。あと Sync API の getitems メソッドでフォルダ内の未読アイテム一気どりができるようになったみたいです。

Posted by miyagawa at November 6, 2004 02:11 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack(0)
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