April 23, 2005

Rails Day

Rails Day 2005 - June 4th

The Rails Day project would like to thanks the following companies for supporting this contest. Odeo, 37 Signals, The Pragmatic Programmers, Tobias Luetke, the Robot Co-op, Macromates, Ruby Central, Fingertips, Planet Argon and Textdrive have all helped enormously.

24時間で Rails をつくったアプリケーションを作ろうコンテスト。たぶん、島男も 48 時間のオークションサイト は Rails とか Catalyst みたいなフレームワークつかってるんだろうな。Ajax バリバリみたいだしw

Posted by miyagawa at April 23, 2005 11:54 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack(0)
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