そろそろ本格ローンチな Google AdSense in RSS と RSS 検索エンジン・アグリゲータとの関係について FeedDemon の Nick Bradbury 氏が分析。
まさに Bulkfeeds なんかでもフィード内に AdSense 広告が入ってくると検索にひっかかってしまう (ads by google で検索した結果の RSS)し、その広告をアグリゲートした形で再度配信するのはいかがなものか? かといって削除して配信するのもそれまたどうよ? ということでいろいろと物議をかもす材料になりそうですね。
Nick Bradbury: RSS Advertising and FeedDemon
So, the question is, should FeedDemon strip ads? I've wrestled with this quite a bit, and I've seriously considered making it possible to apply your own filters to what you see in FeedDemon, so that you could filter out ads by choice. These filters could be shared with other FeedDemon users, much like newspaper styles are - and hey, wouldn't it be nice if these filters could be used by any RSS aggregator, and not just FeedDemon?
Nick Bradbury: RSS Ads: Now it Gets Tricky
What if a search engine offers ad-free feeds for a nominal fee - is it ethical for them to make money by stripping out your source of revenue?