July 11, 2005

Rails Movie

O'Reilly Radar > Rails Movie Launched

OSCON keynoter David Heinemeier Hansson just launched The New Rails Movie. It's a walk-through of building a blog engine with Rails.

OSCON 2005 のキーノートも担当する 37 Signals の david 氏による Rails デモムービー。これはカッコイイなあ。どれも Catalyst / Class::DBI / Template-Toolkit でもできることではあるけど、このスムーズさと軽快さ、そしてデモをつくってというコミュニティビルドプロセスがすばらしいなあと思います。

tima thinking outloud. > Nat Nails Rails.

I been fascinated and inquisitive of this surge of buzz in the past few months surrounding Rails, the Ruby code framework the 37 signals team derived from their web applications. In fact, I just finished watching the movie Nat's post links to.

Posted by miyagawa at July 11, 2005 04:44 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack(0)
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