October 05, 2005

高橋メソッド & もんたメソッド internationalized

プレゼンテーションの Tips を紹介する Blog、Presentation Zen で高橋メソッドともんたメソッドが紹介されてますね。

Pugs の autrijus も先日のプレゼンテーションで高橋メソッドを利用して好評だったとか。

Journal of autrijus (1505)

I'm totally sold to the Takahashi method for presentation. It takes 3x time to prepare but is worth it.

Presentation Zen: The "Monta Method"

In addition to the Takahashi Method, there is another presentation method in Japan that is in the early stages of getting some buzz: "The Monta Method."

Presentation Zen: Living large: "Takahashi Method" uses king-sized text as a visual

In the Japanese language Nikkei newspaper yesterday I stumbled upon an interesting article featuring stories on people who have started small grassroots movements — however unintentional — by doing something in a unique way. One such person is Mr. Masayoshi Takahashi who has gotten a lot of people interested in his unique way of presenting, now labeled the "Takahashi Method."
Posted by miyagawa at October 5, 2005 09:22 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack(0)
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